
He is my Fortress!, Ps 27:1

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

From not enough to say to too much to say?

I haven't posted in just short of, well, months.  It happened by accident, as it always does when I go lengths of time between posts, partially caused by holidays that disrupt all of life and partially by a feeling that I have nothing of worth to say.  Then, I have a week like this one.  One where frankly, I end up not posting for a couple of days because I just plain have too much to say.

It all started on Sunday, on my way to church.  My favorite radio station plays worship music and hymns every Sunday morning.  I love it because it gets me into the right frame of mind for church.  But this past Sunday, instead of getting me in a worshipful mood, a hymn I heard first as a child got me into a theological mood.  One which a true hymn lover may not appreciate much, because it was basically a rant about how the lyrics didn't make a lot of sense to me.  I'm just not sure how theologically sound the idea really is.  So I'm throwing it out here.  Engage me in conversation.  Tell me what you think.

All Hail the Power of Jesus' name, let angels prostrate fall.
Bring forth the royal diadem, and Crown Him Lord of all.
Bring forth the royal diadem, and Crown Him Lord of all.

This was the verse that got my brain rolling.  I totally get the power of Jesus' Name.  I suspect it is an undervalued thing in our society.  But that is a different rant altogether.  Let's get to the next line.  The one that really set me reeling.  Is that a suggestion that we, mortal humans, should bring forth a royal diadem and crown Him Lord?  Here is my thought.  A prince or princess is such by birth, right?  We don't get to pick someone out we like, hand them a crown, and then call them a prince.  We can knight someone, which in this day and age is more of an honorary, powerless title, right?

I find the idea that we get to crown Jesus anything absurd.  Jesus IS who He Is.  His words there, not mine.  He is Prince of Peace.  Lord of Lords.  King of Kings.  Wonderful Counselor.  Son of God who sits at His right hand.  Nothing I confer or deny of Him will change any of these facts.  He IS who He IS.  I can refuse to acknowledge His Lordship here on earth.  He has given me that freedom.  But it won't change the facts.  I can confer on Him an honorary, powerless lordship title with my weak human mind, but it won't change who He IS.

What do I need to do with this information?  Well, it comes down to this.  I cannot make Jesus anyone who He is not by my words.  I cannot make Him less.  I cannot make Him more.  I am, however, able to recognize Him.  Put Him in His proper position in my life.  I can acknowledge Him and His Power in my life. I can bow myself literally and figuratively before His thrown and accept His mercy, love, and direction.  And I can recognize His all importance and my place in His creation rather than thinking of myself as the important on in all of this.  There you have it.

What do you think?