
He is my Fortress!, Ps 27:1

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blogging again...

Life is funny.  It runs circles around me while I try to catch up.  It laughs at me from around the corner while I lick my wounds and try to recover enough to join the fun.  And then, just as I being to suspect "it" will always be just a bit out of reach, life slows down to let me catch up.

I started a blog a long time ago thinking it would be an outlet to write.  A place to grieve when I needed it.  A place to laugh when I was ready.  And I left my blog at the drop of a hat because writing is one of those things I do just for me.  And I let it go when life got tough because self care is always the first to go.  Now, as I begin trying to get the swing pumping for a new school year, I thought perhaps it might be a good thing to put the self care into the schedule.  Writing, like walking and eating right, might be part of what keeps me sane as I try to deal with a toddler, a first grader, a third grader, a sophomore, and a senior.

Thanks for giving me a place to rant, ramble, ruminate, and maybe rhyme once in a while.

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