
He is my Fortress!, Ps 27:1

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Figuring it all out

I think maybe I have my problem figured out.  I think that "figuring things out" is my problem.  I want to figure out why.  I want to figure out what next.  I want to figure out how.  And I get so bogged down in all of those questions I forget to rest in the peace of who I am today.  I forget to rest in the peace of where I am today.  I forget to rest in the peace of He who holds the tomorrows.  Maybe I don't need to figure things out.

Shocker, really.  I know I'm not the first or the last woman on earth to be faced with this conversation with herself.  I've even had this conversation with other women who have gone through things they don't understand.  I don't really know if it is a "woman" thing or a "human" thing.  Maybe I can figure that out... or not.

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