
He is my Fortress!, Ps 27:1

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Showers and such

I had the most incredible honor of helping with a bridal shower today.  There were many reasons I was excited for the opportunity, not the least of which is my desire to start my own party planning business.  I found myself thinking about the party during church, which isn't uncommon, really, as (hopefully I am not the only one who struggles with this!) my mind can wander.  It wandered a good direction today, because I found myself evaluating what it is about party planning that I enjoy so much.

I found myself having to face up and decide if it was all pride.  Was I only wanting to do party "stuff" because of the ego-stroking that comes when things go well?  Is is about me feeling important and popular?  I had to really think about that.  And as I thought, I had to be honest enough to admit that was at least a small part of it.  Being entirely honest. don't we all seek after a little pat on the back?  We get stoked when we are "stroked."  But shouldn't there be more?  If we are seeing after doing something as a career or even a hobby that it is only just about ego, what happens when the results of your job don't get the result you desire?  Will you give up in defeat?

So I was left wondering.  What more is there to my desire to chase this dream?  Is there more to this dream? I thought back to something I told my family about parties.  If you have ever read any of the Love Languages books by Gary Smalley, this will make more sense.  Parties appeal to our desire to be loved.  The speak to every love language.  We give and get hugs at parties (touch).  We get cards and well wishes (words of encouragement).  We usually get at least one gift (gifts).  Someone expends their time and energy to make the party happen for us (acts of service).  Our friends join us at the party (quality time).  Parties make us feel loved.  Planning a successful party is all about love.

And then, Pastor Paul went and said something that just resounded with the direction my brain had wandered.  It was a verse most of us know.  "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. " John 15:13.  And my mind wandered a little farther.  You see, most of us will NEVER be asked to jump in front of a proverbial bullet for a friend.  We might go our entire lives to a ripe old age and never follow in Jesus' footsteps or in the martyr's footsteps, laying down our life for our faith.  But should we walk even a DAY without at some point laying down our life (you know, that stuff we do all day every day for our own pleasure, to further our careers, to make our kids better/smarter/funnier, the stuff that gives us a kick) for a friend?  

I am NOT a morning girl.  I like to sleep in and I am usually one of the first in bed at our house.  But when it comes time to plan a party or event, I will stay up a little later and get up a little earlier than usual just to make it what I think it should be.  I can lay down my need for sleep for a time for a friend.

I am NOT a housekeeper.  I don't even remotely like washing dishes.  But you know, when it comes time to bake goodies for a party, I have no problem whatsoever cleaning my kitchen 5 or 6 times in a day so I can have a clean space to prep party goodies.  I can lay down my dislike of washing dishes by hand for a friend.  

I am NOT a computer wiz.  I like to buy stuff someone else has created, but my budget is tight most of the time.  I joke that I like to put together Highland Park parties on a Rowlett budget.  That means I just can't afford to spend $45+ per party to get the look I want from window dressing stuff.  I can lay down my fear of struggling through learning a new technology to make my party just a little nicer for a friend.  

For some of us, there are things we might like to do for a friend, and it just isn't in us.  For me, that includes decorating a full size cake.  I leave that to my daughters and husband.  I tell everyone.  Cakes make me cry.  I am probably NOT going to lay my cake-distresses down for a friend, but I will happily help you find the right baker for your party!  I have friends that would not be up to laying their life down for a friend at a party.  And I applaud that, especially if your gifts lie elsewhere.  You ladies know who you are.  You are my greatest encouragers.  You inspire me to budget more carefully.  You show me that persevering through great trials will result in joy in the morning.  You amaze me with your unique gifts.  And somewhere, somehow in your life, God will present you the opportunity to use those to lay your life down for a friend.

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