
He is my Fortress!, Ps 27:1

Friday, July 8, 2011

All in a day's work

Totally missed writing yesterday, because as a mom with 4 kids, sometimes life just gets too crazy to get everything that is on the "list" checked off!  It is Stage One National's Week in Arlington, so one of my lovely ladies had dance, while two of her sisters had theater rehearsals.  The little guy and I were merely along for the ride.  Today is day 2 of the craziness, with a different daughter dancing and still two daughters having theater rehearsals.  Today's schedule completely overlaps, so we ended up having to plan carppooling and child care.  And the little guy decided one day of watching hundreds of girls dancing was enough for him, and requested a visit to Nana's house.  He is so smart to know his limits.

In the meantime, it is the much awaited Cow Appreciation day.  We have many plans for the day that involve various Chick-fil-A stores that happen to fall on our route, and look forward to a lot of fun with our "herd."  I admit it, nothing truly witty to say, though I could share with you my collection of cow jokes (I will spare you, though!) or bad puns that I usually end up using while we are out on our cow appreciation day journey.  But really, you have to hand it to Chick-fil-A for giving us this opportunity to dress up in silly costumes and get free food.  I feel like it is a great exchange.  If you are too dignified to don a few spots, maybe some ears and a tail, it is all your loss.  In the meantime, I'm willing to be a bit undignified to have a whole lot of fun with my family, being with other families out having fun.

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