
He is my Fortress!, Ps 27:1

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bears and Stairs...

We just got back from our vacation in the Smokies with the entire family (the big guy's brothers and their families plus an assortment of extra family members).  It was a lot of fun, but we were ready for the relative quiet of our house after a week in a cabin with 12 kids!  The little guy had a great time running around shooting things with his two little cousins that are just older and younger than he is, and thoroughly enjoyed chasing his not quite 2 year-old cousin around the kitchen of the cabin.  By the time we left, after 4 days of climbing stairs all of the time in the 4 story lodge, plus one hike down and back up about half of the mountain on which our cabin was perched, the sore muscles had nearly recovered and adjusted to the constant climbing.  Now, back on flat land and in our flat house, I suspect those newly built muscles have already come and gone.

Funny how it works, though.  You go on vacation and come home tired.  We were also already planning our next trip there before we even had left the area, which tells you just how much we enjoyed it!  Our next vacation to the area includes plans to learn the crafts we enjoyed so much while we were there:  spinning, weaving, pottery, and anything else we can find to learn, mixed with way more hiking and nature.  You can bet there will be a new file on my desktop labeled, "dream vacation planning" which will include my ideas for a future trip to Yellowstone and for a trip back to Gatlinburg to do more of what we loved most!

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