
He is my Fortress!, Ps 27:1

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I've Built a Blog. Now what??

I thought about calling my blog "The WannaBe," but I didn't want everyone to get the wrong impression.  I guess I think of myself as a WannaBe not because I wish I were some famous person, but because there is just so MUCH I want to be!  I want to be that parent that every kid remembers in 25 years as the kind of mom they want to be (and how often I fail at that!!).  I want to be a happenin' party planner and hostess that leaves my guests excited to be invited to my next shindig.  I come close, but I don't expect to see any of my "masterpieces" on HGTV anytime soon!  I want to be the author of the funny blog all my friends pass around and giggle over, or perhaps the writer who brings tears to your eyes as you reach a little closer for the relationship with God you've always searched for.  I'd like to be the kind of cook whose dinner leaves my family talking about it for days, and not because I blew up the chicken right before the guests got there (yep.  that really happened to me.  Make sure you know which pans are really Pyrex and which ones are imitation!).  I want to be a costume creator and come up with fabulous costumes for plays and dances.

So I drag myself into my endless lists of things I Wanna Be.  And I forget to just enjoy being who I AM.  You see, I don't have to be Beth Moore or Amy Atlas or Martha Stewart or anybody else.  I just have to be the very best Me I can be.  So, here is my blog.  I might have tips on party planning or chats on mom-hood, an occasional eye opening devotion or rant about my failings as a Christian or whatever.  I probably will not find myself going viral or even see my little chats forwarded to your cousin's sister's brother's wife who needs to read about..., but maybe as we walk together, we can both get to be a little better at just being who we are created to be.  

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