
He is my Fortress!, Ps 27:1

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who goes there? Are you Friend or Foe?

I opened up about fear yesterday, and found myself greeted by message after message about trusting God in the hard times today.  From a video posted by my favorite radio station about when our world is falling apart to my inbox devotional reminding me that

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze (Isaiah 43:2 NIV).

I went to another Facebook page and found an article about "When God Breaks Your Heart."  And I began to feel that familiar fear sneaking back in.  Is this God's way of telling me to brace myself for a firestorm?  Is my world as I know it about to fall apart?  (I see him now, the little guy on my shoulder feeding me fear with my breakfast!).

Some mornings, it is clear that God uses media to speak to me, and I grab onto His word and savor it for the entire day.  But right now, I want messages of hope and peace, and I keep finding messages of coming fires and disappointment.  I know the verse goes on to remind me that in the fire, I will not be burned, but it promises nothing about not having your heart broken.  Is it God? Or could it be the enemy trying to steal the peace the God has promised me?  Or could it be both:  God using His words to remind me that He is ever with me, ever holding me, and that even when it FEELS like my world is falling apart or when it FEELS like I will be burned up in the midst of the flames around me or when it FEELS like my heart is broken beyond repair, that REALITY says God is still on his throne, He is still in control, and He will bring me through it all. The enemy is not afraid of God's word- He used it with Jesus to try to tempt him away from God's ultimate plan in the desert, right, so the enemy could totally be trying to get me to grasp on to the fear instead of the peace that God offers.

So I find myself in a battle, at 9:30 AM, which is entirely too early for me to be doing battle.  I draw the Sword God has given me, and determine that I WILL rest in His peace today instead of giving in to the fear that tempts to overwhelm me.

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