
He is my Fortress!, Ps 27:1

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Of Whom Should I Be Afraid?

I memorized that verse in Psalms when I was a kid:  "The LORD is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?", Ps 27:1, NIV.  But fear is a funny thing.  It creeps up on us when we are walking firmly in the Lord's strength, nipping at our weakest spots until we, distracted from our Source, latch on to it's hand and begin to walk in trembling.  Am I the only woman who lives life in a delicate dance with fear?  It is a two-step born of an earnest desire to live fully in God's peace and protecting fortress but sheltered in my oh-so human body with frailties and moments of weakness and sometimes entire days of struggle.  Perhaps it is the wording of the verse that leaves me grasping.  What IS a stronghold and How can the LORD be one for me?  I appreciate that He is my light and salvation.  But it is the other stuff that leaves me shaking in fear.  It is the stuff that sometimes seems to slip past His notice (though I know in my heart of hearts it has not slipped past His notice, but is instead being allowed for some reason I may never understand but in which I can only seek to find His Glory).  So, when I saw this version, my heart began to calm.  

"The LORD is my light and my salvation--so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?" Psalm 27:1, NLT.  He is my FORTRESS.  He is my Mont-St-Michel rising from the turbulent waters of the ocean.  He is my guarding walls, not a crumbling ruin, but a majestic and mighty FORTRESS in all times.  I think it is time to relearn this verse.  Time to internalize His mighty majesty.  Time to realize that He goes so far beyond merely being a light in darkness.  He is more than simply a "fire insurance."  He is, in fact, my protection in all kinds of weather.  Even when the rains fall and the hurricane hits with gale forces, I can seek shelter in Him.  

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